Red marker dead space statue
Red marker dead space statue

red marker dead space statue

It's possible the slashers were attacking her so the marker could sell the hallucination, or maybe it was another person in her place, or maybe the slashers weren't there at all and it was all just in Isaac's mind, who the fuck knows when a marker is involved XDĪgain, for that time, that jumpscare really came out of left field. But maybe I just feel that way because I've played the game several times. Considering the state of the Ishimura and its crew, how much the necromorph infestation had progressed, and the few interactions we had with her, it does seem obvious to the audience that she wouldn't be alive, but like Isaac, we hold on to the hope that she might have made it. In hindsight, it does seem pretty obvious that she wouldn't have made it. She's literally the reason why Isaac even went to the Ishimura in the first place, the reason he never gave up when most people in that situation would.

red marker dead space statue

Whilst we didn't see Nicole often in the game, she was quite important. In actuality, the marker gave Isaac a big "fuck you" and gave him the ability to make more markers, so events would repeat themselves in a more favourable outcome for the markers. So Isaac thought that by returning the Marker to its pedestal it would stop the necromorph oubreak. The Marker is a very good manipulator, it fucks with people's heads.

red marker dead space statue

being smart enough to decipher the marker lexicon) to have blueprints imprinted into their head to make more markers. By being whole the marker's signal amplifies, which causes anyone in the vicinity (so long as they're deemed worthy i.e. The reason you're delivering the Marker to its pedestal is so that it can be made whole. This was the oubreak that made its way onto the Ishimura (because Captain Mathias was a Unitologist and wanted to bring the Marker back for the church). However, the colonists also ended up discovering Marker 3A which caused the second necromorph outbreak. Present day, the CEC got greedy and stationed a colony on Aegis VII to pave the way for a planetcrack. EarthGov covered it up and the planet was deemed off limits. The marker was placed on Aegis VII 200 years ago by EarthGov for experimental purposes and that caused the first necromorph outbreak that led to the creation of the Hive Mind.

red marker dead space statue

The Red Marker/Marker 3A is the cause behind the events of DS1. Alright let me try and clarify some things to the best of my ability, and I'm not trying to take digs at your opinion or anything, it's an opinion for a reason

Red marker dead space statue